Sensei Hironori Ohtsuka
Hironori Ohtsuka (1892-1982) was the creator and first
Grand Master of the Japanese karate style Wado Ryu.
Wado meaning way to harmony is one of four
major Japanese karate styles and is perhaps the purest form
of Karate-Do.
Steeped in classical Bujutsu (Code of the Samurai), Mr. Ohtsuka
applied that outlook and experience to his teaching. He rejected
hardening certain parts of the body such as callousing knuckles
of the hand, believing it is a useless preparation.
The aim of Wado Kai Karate is perfection of technique as well
as development of a mind that is tranquil yet alive, able to react
intuitively and without hesitation to any situation. The training
and concentrated effort required in Wado Kai helps the student
acquire inner strength and calmness of character. They learn as
well the virtues of self-control and true humility.
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Written by the founder of Wado Ryu Karate, Hironori
this book is an exact translation from the master's text, which
was written in 1977.
This is a book for serious Wado practitioners everywhere.
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